
11月5日学术报告:The impact of chemical contaminants and pathogens on aquatic ecosystems
2013/10/30 | 来源:| 【字号: 】【打印】【关闭

  主题:The impact of chemical contaminants and pathogens on aquatic ecosystems 

  报告人:Robert Boesch 研究员 (美国环保署专家) 

  报告时间:2013115  上午 10:00


  报告人简介:Robert Boesch 研究员,美国环保署(EPA)环境污染管理与控制方面专家,在美国环保署工作36年,主要负责危险废弃物、农药等环境污染物项目管理。现为美国夏威夷大学分子生物科学与生物工程系客座教授。 


  Emerging issues in environmental ecology include new chemical contaminants and pathogens from many causes that may impact ecosystems. For example: 

  (1) New human drugs are being developed and human waste often contains residues of these drugs. The fate of these drugs in waste disposal systems is not entirely understood. Residues of these drugs may be present in aquatic ecosystems.  

  (2) Global warming may influence natural pathogens. With higher temperatures over longer periods, some pathogens may become bigger problems. These pathogens can affect people; however study of aquatic ecosystems will be necessary to find out the impact on plant and animal life in aquatic ecosystems. 

  (3) As civilizations become more urban and suburban, agricultural systems will produce more food in less space. Concentrated animal feeding operations for chickens, pigs and cattle hold many animals in confined conditions, resulting in greater efficiencies, but more use of drugs to prevent disease and more pathogens that may be resistant to drugs. Dealing with the waste from these operations presents a big challenge. 

  Some of these causes and contaminants will be discussed, as well as sources of information that may assist to identify possible contaminants of concern. Restoring ecosystems may involve the use of chemicals. Thorough evaluation of chemicals should be made to make sure there are no unintended consequences.  




中国科学院水生植物与流域生态重点实验室 版权所有:中国科学院武汉植物园
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